A generalist, a specialist or a generalist specialist
A #generalist , a #specialist or a generalist specialist?
A point of view for service providers.
Love to hear your thoughts.
#clientservicing #valueaddition #discovery #design #delivery
A #generalist , a #specialist or a generalist specialist?
A point of view for service providers.
Love to hear your thoughts.
#clientservicing #valueaddition #discovery #design #delivery
Hosting the Leadership Series – They Stood Out, has been a fascinating experience for me. Getting up-close-and-personal and exploring the life journey of the leaders who have made their mark, has proved to be insightful and stimulating. Here is a short video of my reflection from these conversations. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/drpramodsolanki_leadershipseries-theystoodout-leaders-activity-7046795958801547264-I03-?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop Hope you find it useful. Would…
Learning function as a contributor to business has evolved significantly over the years. Yet, if there are pockets of excellence, there is a sea of mediocrity in the way this activity is handled. Here are my reflections on the evolution of this activity. Read More
A strategy for exponential and sustained growth Culture of leadership can be an exponential and sustainable growth strategy, as the evidence suggests. However, we seem to have a long way to get there. In this article, I share my perspective based on experience and published work, the challenges and the opportunities along the way https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/culture-leadership-excellence-pramod-solanki-ph-d–0sstf%3FtrackingId=bYLZExvUSJi5YTjcCEEl0w%253D%253D/?trackingId=bYLZExvUSJi5YTjcCEEl0w%3D%3D…
Looking to start up in 2024? Here’s what to consider while taking the leap: #LinkedInTopVoices#Entrepreneurship#LinkedInNewsIndia#founders If you are not really ‘fired up’ by what you want to start – the problem that you want to solve, you cannot ignite others who work with you. And if you are, your people around would get it. Because it’s…
Why centeredness is so important for leaders? Some data-based inferences https://www.linkedin.com/posts/drpramodsolanki-growthcatalyst_hbr-leadership-inspiration-activity-7135854724238520320-B1hN?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
The Enterprise World, a global business magazines featured Performance Enablers as one of the 10 most reliable HR Solution providers in India. Please click on the links for details.Read More